Welcome to Trinity Institute of Business Studies

Trinity Institute of Business Studies is a Registered Training Organization (RTO No 91010).

At Trinity Institute of Business Studies, individuals are given the tools they need to challenge traditional thinking and produce new ideas. Students develop critical, analytic, and writing abilities in the College's demanding inter-disciplinary core curriculum. Graduate degrees allow students to test their ideas with academics and prepare them for academia, industry, non-profits, and government.

With a worldwide view and a highly experienced, energetic, and innovative teaching method, TBIS College is making a professional impact in the Australian education sector. We provide knowledge, activities, and experiences to our students that will encourage their personal growth and leadership skills while also assisting them in their social, vocational, and academic endeavours.

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Admission Open for 2020

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Cultivating inclusive learning, living, and working community, facilitating the success of all people, and supporting all individuals.



We embrace diversity and treat others with civility, openness, and professionalism in all interactions, activities, and decision-making.


We value teamwork, participation, and diversity of ideas and perspectives to work towards the common goal within the institute and in the community.


Encouraging, considering, and supporting the development of ideas by fostering individual ingenuity and creativity and creating an environment with opportunities for growth and change.

Expert Teachers

Loren Kadreal

Assistant Director

Grabial Fon

Assistant Director

Jerome Flora


Victor Aldves


Brenden Vine


Alex Carry


Donation helps us

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Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Jonathon Lary
Math Teacher

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Mahadi mansura
Head Teacher