Student Discipline Policy 


This policy is designed to provide guidelines for the management of student discipline at Trinity Institute of Business Studies.


This policy applies to all clients of Trinity Institute of Business Studies.

Responsible Parties

Trinity Institute of Business Studies’ Training Managers and General Manager, Metro, are responsible for the control and implementation of this policy.


Clients are defined as including students, legal/host employers and workplace supervisors.

Trinity Institute of Business Studies premises includes both Trinity Institute of Business Studies premises and any premises that the student attends for training purposes, including work placement.

Trinity Institute of Business Studies representative is defined as an employee or contractor of Trinity Institute of Business Studies.


1.      Academic and General Misconduct

Trinity Institute of Business Studies will be vigilant in the management of student misconduct. For the purposes of this policy, a breach of conduct is defined as either academic or general misconduct.

  • Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
    • Cheating
    • Plagiarism
    • Any other conduct by which a student seeks to gain for themselves, or any other person,any academic advantage or advancement to which  they,or that other person, is not entitled.

Academic Misconduct is dealt with under the Plagiarism and Cheating Policy and Procedure. Please refer to this document for further information.

  • General Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
    • persistent disruptive behaviour
    • behaviour which is lewd or obscene
    • taking photographs or filming other participants or staff without their permission (including posting on Facebook and other social media without permission)
    • use of mobile telephones and iPods during classroom or work shop activities