Plagiarism and Cheating Policy


This policy is designed to provide guidelines for the management of academic misconduct at Trinity Institute of Business Studies.


This policy applies to all clients of Trinity Institute of Business Studies.

Responsible Parties

Trinity Institute of Business Studies’ Training Managers and General Manager, Metro, are responsible for the control and implementation of this policy.


Cheating is deliberately acting dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage for the purpose of improving an assessment result. It includes:

  • Submission of work which has been stolen, borrowed or purchased
  • Collaboration in the preparation of an assignment, unless such collaboration is specifically permitted or required by the Trainer/Teacher
  • Use of unauthorized material(e.g.textbook,notes,computer programs)during a test or exam
  • Allowing another person to complete work on your behalf
  • Making up false  information

Clients are defined as including students, legal/host employers and workplace supervisors.

Plagiarism means to use or copy someone else’s ideas or work, and submit that material as your own

work. Whether inadvertent or deliberate, plagiarism includes the following:

  • Word-for-word copying of sentences or whole paragraphs from one or more sources, or presenting substantial extracts from books, articles, CDs or the internet, without clearly indicating their origin
  • Using very close paraphrasing of sentences or whole paragraphs without due acknowledgement in the form of reference to the original work
  • Use of another person’s ideas, work or research data without acknowledgement
  • Copying computer files without clearly indicating their origin.


1.      General

Trinity Institute of Business Studies will be vigilant in monitoring for any evidence of plagiarism and cheating.

Academic misconduct will be deemed to have occurred where a student engages in cheating, plagiarism or behaves in any other manner by which they seek to gain any academic advantage or advancement (for themselves or another).

2.      Plagiarism and Cheating

  • Trinity Institute of Business Studies will treat assisting in plagiarism and cheating as a form of plagiarism and cheating. This may include knowingly assisting another person to cheat or allowing another student to copy work by giving them access to a draft/completed assignment.
  • Whilst Trinity Institute of Business Studies will have no objection to preliminary discussion of an assignment, joint planning and/or execution of work is not permitted except where specified. Students must acknowledge the names of other students with whom they may have collaborated in any piece of work.
  • Trinity Institute of Business Studies discipline rules on plagiarism and cheating also apply to electronic information. Students will be advised that misuse of computers in general may attract criminal charges.


3.      Penalties for Plagiarism and Cheating

Where Trinity Institute of Business Studies finds evidence of plagiarism and cheating, the appropriate action or penalty will be enforced, as per the Plagiarism and Cheating Procedure.


4.      Appeal

The student has the right to appeal the outcome of a plagiarism or cheating.